The KL200 Retail Package includes 20 KL200 Kwik Locs. They are packaged 10 to a box and two boxes per retail Carton (pictured at left). KL200 uses WC6 Cable.
KL200 RETAIL PACKAGINGThe KL200 Retail Package includes 20 KL200 Kwik Locs. They are packaged 10 to a box and two boxes per retail Carton (pictured at left). KL200 uses WC6 Cable. Item# - 30004KL150 RETAIL PACKAGINGThe KL150 Retail Package includes 50 KL150 Kwik Locs. They are packaged 25 to a box and two boxes per retail Carton (pictured at left). KL150 uses WC4 Cable. Item# - 30003KL100 RETAIL PACKAGINGThe KL100 Retail Package includes 100 KL100 Kwik Locs. They are packaged 10 to a box and ten boxes per retail Carton (pictured at left). KL100 uses WC3 Cable. Item# - 30002KL75 RETAIL PACKAGINGThe KL75 Retail Package includes 100 KL75 Kwik Locs. They are packaged 10 to a box and ten boxes per retail Carton (pictured at left). KL100 uses WC2 Cable. Item# - 30044KL50 RETAIL PACKAGINGThe KL50 Retail Package includes 250 KL50 Kwik Locs. They are packaged 25 to a box and ten boxes per retail Carton (pictured at left). KL50 uses WC1 Cable. Item# - 30001STARTER KIT BUCKETSRize Starter Kits include everything you need to get started with Kwik Locs on the job site. Their large labels also makes them ideal for use on a Rize product display. For details on all Starter Kit varieties please visit our Starter Kit Product Page by clicking here. Item# - 30398, 30394POINT OF PURCHASE RETAIL DISPLAYRize offers a Full Display Stand package complete with Retail Packaged Kwik Locs and Starter Kit Buckets. Please contact us for more details and pricing. Item# - 30051